Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Post#9 - The Floor

Good morning everyone,

This past week we worked on our floor. It took a little bit more time than I had figured it would but in the end we got the work done.  We started by laying down some mahogany subfloor on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was quite a challenge to get the hallway done. I had to cut the bottom of the each of the door jambs to fit the pieces in the hall. I figured it would take me two days to install the subfloor but it ended up taking 3. The next pictures show our progress in the hall.

On Thursday and Friday we installed our tiles. They are manufactured by Manington and are called Adura.  The ones we bought are called Corsica. Below you will find a link to the Adura tiles website. We spent the day yesterday grouting the tiles in the kitchen and dining room. The grout has to dry for 24 hours before one can step on them.  We still have to grout the hallway.

Adura Tiles Website (click to visit) 

We were lucky to have Louise's mom come over this week to take care of Julianne and help us with the house work. Without her help I don't think we would have finished the tiles on time. Louise and I really enjoy working together on projects and we make a great team. The next picture shows our project so far.

Project - Week#8
This week we get our cabinets installed.  We are very excited about this step in the project. I have 6 more weeks before heading back to work. We still have a lot to do prior to completing this project. We still have to install a backsplash, our Bostonian doors and a variety of mouldings.  This should keep us busy until the Christmas Holidays.  The next pictures is one that I took last Friday night.  The reflection of the doors on the wall come from the light on our poolhouse. Alex was playing basketball at the time I took the picture and had the poolhouse light on.

Well that is all the news for this week. Talk to you next week.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Post#8 - The Ceiling

Good morning everyone,

This past week was a busy one.  I finished putting up the knotty pine on the ceiling in the kitchen, dining room and hallway. There was a lot of wasted wood in this part of the project because I didn't want to have seams in the ceiling. Each board measured 16 feet in length and I needed just over 9' to cover the ceiling and was left with a bunch of boards which measured 7'.  I hope to be able to use them somewhere else. The picture below is the project so far.

Project - Week#7
Louise and I installed the cultured stone at the end of the week. We were hoping to avoid having to grout the stones but we ended up having to do that too. The next pictures show the progression of the stone wall.

Cultured Stone Wall
Louise tinted the posts and beams in a walnut colour. We might tint the doors in the hallway the same colour.

We received a couple of pictures of our cabinets as they are being built this week. They will look awesome I'm sure. The next two pictures is of our cabinets.


Next week we will tackle the floor.  We have to install some tiles in the hallway, dining room and kitchen.  The week after that we get our cabinets installed. We hope to be back in our kitchen soon. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Post#7 - The Hallway

Good morning everyone,

This week has been a busy one again.  Louise finished taping and putting mud on the walls in the kitchen. She did an awesome job. In addition she painted those walls. We were lucky to have Jinny's help on Friday. The picture below shows our project so far.

Project - Week#6

I installed a fan in our bathroom which took most of a day.  It was hard to get the hose through to the soffit but in the end everything worked out fine. We plan on remodelling our bathroom soon.

We had a lot of rain last week which slowed me down quite a bit. I like to setup on my deck to work when its nice outside. If it rains I have to cut all of my pieces in the shop which is about 75 feet from the house. I tried putting a tarp on our trellis but it was raining so much that the water was collecting on the tarp and was leaking on the deck. I'm still trying to come up with some way of keeping the rain off the deck. The next picture is the hallway with the knotty pine.

We receive 2 of our 4 Bostonian doors last week. The other 2 were damaged in the wearhouse.  I should get the other 2 doors in 4 to 5 weeks. I'll probably install the doors at the end of the month once we have our tiles in.

I also installed the cement board on the wall in the dining room. We are still waiting for our cultured stone to come in.  I figure it will take us a couple of days to install. Hopefully we will receive our cultured stone by the end of this week.

This week I'm hoping to get the knotty pine on the ceiling and install the cultured stone on the dining room wall.

We have 2 weeks left before the guys come in to install our cabinets.  We hope to have everything done on time. Have a great week everyone.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Post#6 - Posts, Beams and Drywall

Good morning everyone,

Wow, we're into November already.  Our project is really moving along nicely. This past week we were able to remove the remaining drywall in the dining room and in the hallway. Our recessed lights are all connected and functional. The next picture shows the kitchen and dining room so far.

Project - Week#5
I also worked on the posts and beams last week. It was a challenge to cut them because of their size. I do not have a saw that can cut through 6" of wood. The next pictures show the posts and beams in place. They look fantastic. We plan on staining them the same colour as our cabinets.
Posts and Beams

On Wednesday Alex spend the day at home helping me because it was Take Your Kid to Work day. We installed 6 sheets of drywall on the East and South walls. I think this was a good experience for him. He told me that now he knows he doesn't want to put up drywall for a living. I'd have to agree with him, it wouldn't be my first choice either. Alex and his friend Ryan also helped out on Saturday and the drywall is now completed.

Our new window is also installed.  It is a little bit bigger than the old one because Louise couldn't see outside when she did the dishes. She will now be able to watch the kids splash in the pool at the same time as she does the dishes.

Louise will be taking care of putting the putty and painting the drywall. We haven't chosen a colour for our walls yet. Well that is all the news for this blog.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon working in the hallway. I installed a recessed light and moved the access to the attic. The old one was too small and I figure this would be a good time to make it bigger. The next pictures shows some of the work I did in the hallway yesterday. This week I plan on putting some knotty pine on the walls in the the hallway.
Even though things progressed nicely this week we still have a lot of work to do. The guys at Cutter's Edge are coming in on November 30th an December 1st to put in the cabinets. Last week we ordered our clearstone and our floor tiles. I'm hoping to get the clearstone installed by the end of this week. We plan on putting our floor on our own and figure we will be spending at least a week doing this. See you next week.