Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Post#9 - The Floor

Good morning everyone,

This past week we worked on our floor. It took a little bit more time than I had figured it would but in the end we got the work done.  We started by laying down some mahogany subfloor on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was quite a challenge to get the hallway done. I had to cut the bottom of the each of the door jambs to fit the pieces in the hall. I figured it would take me two days to install the subfloor but it ended up taking 3. The next pictures show our progress in the hall.

On Thursday and Friday we installed our tiles. They are manufactured by Manington and are called Adura.  The ones we bought are called Corsica. Below you will find a link to the Adura tiles website. We spent the day yesterday grouting the tiles in the kitchen and dining room. The grout has to dry for 24 hours before one can step on them.  We still have to grout the hallway.

Adura Tiles Website (click to visit) 

We were lucky to have Louise's mom come over this week to take care of Julianne and help us with the house work. Without her help I don't think we would have finished the tiles on time. Louise and I really enjoy working together on projects and we make a great team. The next picture shows our project so far.

Project - Week#8
This week we get our cabinets installed.  We are very excited about this step in the project. I have 6 more weeks before heading back to work. We still have a lot to do prior to completing this project. We still have to install a backsplash, our Bostonian doors and a variety of mouldings.  This should keep us busy until the Christmas Holidays.  The next pictures is one that I took last Friday night.  The reflection of the doors on the wall come from the light on our poolhouse. Alex was playing basketball at the time I took the picture and had the poolhouse light on.

Well that is all the news for this week. Talk to you next week.

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