Monday, December 5, 2011

Post#10 - The Cabinets

Good morning everyone,

Wow, I've been on my parental leave for 9 weeks already. Time is really flying by. This past week we finished up a lot of little jobs. We grouted the hallway tiles and cleaned the haze on the tiles in the kitchen and dining room. I stained the moulding on the North wall and painted the heating grill and air intake. Louise sealed the grout in the floor and I sealed our cultured stone on the North wall.

We finally got our cabinets installed. The installers were supposed to come in on Wednesday but ended up coming on Thursday because of a snow storm. The cabinets look awesome as you can see in the next picture. All that we are missing right now is our quartz counter top. We should get it installed in a couple of weeks.

On Saturday we received our appliances. So far I installed the fridge and microwave. This week I want to install the water line to the fridge and get the natural gas installed to our range. The next picture shows our kitchen with some of our appliances installed.

This week we are supposed to receive our Yukon table and finish installing our cabinet lights. In addition we are getting a corner basket installed in one of our cabinets. I also hope to install the chandelier that goes over the table. It's going to be another busy week. Have a great week everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Please give my praise to the person who chose the paint colour. Fantastic! As well, the wood on the cabinets is very rich in appearance. Bravo! We own a gas range. It is wonderful, with one exception - the grills are very, very hard to clean. DO NOT allow food splashes to bake on them, as you will almost always need some sort of nasty cleaner to remove the stains. Also, be sure to teach the kids what to do if they smell natural gas (which you may have already). The fact that natural gas is itself odourless makes a good chemistry lesson... EXCELLENT WORK!
