Sunday, October 23, 2011

Post#4 - Electricity...More Electricity

Good morning everyone,

Welcome to this week's blog. I spent most of last week moving electrical circuits and adding new ones.  Most of the electrical stuff is done.  I still have to finish up putting in the recessed lights in the kitchen and the light over the table in the dining room. The next picture shows the electrical plans for the dining room.

Circuit 1

I've decided to hire someone to install our french doors.  The door was too heavy for me to put in on my own and I figured it would take a contractor a fraction of the time it would take me to do this on my own. So on Wednesday afternoon we installed the french door. Louise finished insulating the door on Thursday. It looks awesome.  The next picture shows the installation process for the french doors.

French Doors

The electrical panel is finally out.  I have two circuits to complete in order to finish the electrical work in this project. I'm hoping that by the end of next week I will be done and starting on putting drywall in the kitchen.

I removed more drywall this week. In addition I opened up the wall between the dining room and living room.  We're going to put up some beams between these two rooms. The next diagram shows the before and after picture of that piece of the project.

Living Room Wall

Louise didn't like the kitchen window we ordered so we ended up ordering a new one. I'm hoping to receive the new one next week at the latest. Well that is all for this week's blog. See you next Sunday.

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